Thursday, May 14, 2009

Prophecy: Forsaken 2005 Online

Prophecy: Forsaken 2005

Do you like Prophecy: Forsaken? It's my favorite video.
Pavlovschi, Adrian=Hulking Throne is very cool.
DOWNLOAD Prophecy: Forsaken!!!

Picking up where Prophecy: Uprising left off, Allison (Kari Wuhrer) has been assigned to protect an ancient text bible when a group of renegade angels, called Thrones and led by the sinister Stark (Tony Todd) target Allison by trying to kill her to get at the last page of the manuscript which will reveal the name of the Antichrist now living in Bucharest. Aiding Allison is a contract killer named Dylan (Jason Scott Lee) who as been hired to kill Allison but has a epiphany to help her. Also back is the devil John Reigart (John Light) who refuses to help Allison this time around because the impeding Apocyolypse will bring him new souls to the realm of Hell leading to Allison to try to survive as long as possible to prevent Stark and his Thrones from re-writing the prophesy of the end of the world for their own purpose.
  • Horror
  • Thriller

  • Wuhrer, Kari=Allison
  • Lee, Jason Scott=Dylan
  • Light, John=John Reigart/Satan
  • London, Jason=Simon
  • Todd, Tony=Stark
  • Petroff, Boris=Father Constantin
  • Ciobanu, Daria=Maria
  • Nica, Georgia=Gabrielle
  • Constantin, Nicu=Throne #1
  • Valentin, Vasilescu=Throne #2
  • Pavlovschi, Adrian=Hulking Throne
  • Grigore, George=Face Licking Throne
  • Butoi, Adriana=Allison's Mother
  • Popescu, Smaranda=Young Allison
  • Chi, Mihai Verbi=Allison's Father

Download Prophecy: Forsaken film part here.
Complete video! No additional programs or browser addons required! You can play them for unlimited number of times whenever you want.
Downloaded movies will work perfectly on any PC, DVD player, PDA etc.
Prophecy: Forsaken


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